State of Emergency Inquiry Board publicizes names of detainees

fedraState of Emergency Inquiry Board publicizes names of detainees


The State of Emergency Inquiry Board made public on Friday the names of individuals detained under the state of emergency.

Some 11,607 individuals have so far been detained in six prisons, of which 347 are female, in connection with the state of emergency declared in the county, Board Chairperson, Taddesse Hordofa said.

The Chairperson told the press that the prisoners are kept in detention centers in Awash, Tolay, Ziway, Dilla, Yirgalem, Bahir dar and Addis Ababa, he added.

The Chairperson stressed the individuals were arrested because they were engaged in one or more of the activities prohibited by the state of emergency.

These include inciting and contributing to violence, denying provision of public services, threatening the public, disrupting movement of vehicles, and causing damage to private and public properties, among others.

Attacking security forces using firearms, killing civilians and members of security forces, providing shelter to those who commit illegal activities and leading violence are also among the activities the detainees were arrested for.

The Chairperson said that list of the detainees will be posted at zonal and woreda levels through the regional state where the prison centers exist.

The Inquiry Board has responsibility to make public names of individuals arrested in connection to the emergency law together with the reason for their arrest within one month.

It also has power to make sure that no measures taken during the emergency period are inhumane, and when such acts are committed bring those responsible to justice.

Source: ENA

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